Agnellus of Pisa

Blessed Agnellus of Pisa
Born 1195
Died May 7, 1236(1236-05-07)
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Beatified 1882 by Leo XIII
Feast 7 May (Italy) 10 September (England)

Blessed Agnellus of Pisa was a Friar Minor and founder of the English Franciscan Province. He was born in 1195 at Pisa,of the prominent family, Angenelli. This similarity to the upbringing of St.Francis makes it no surprise that Agnellus was approached by St. Francis himself and asked to join the Seraphic Order. He lived a life of holiness, his purity, wholesomeness and devotion to improving the world around him had great impact on the world around him. Agnellus understood the value in learning and though not extremely learned himself, Agnellus sought to further the education of the monks and friars around him. This was how the founding of Oxford, in England, came about. His kind heart made him a friend and confidant to rules and diplomats. Agnellus died abruptly on May 7, 1236 and remains buried at the school he put his utmost efforts towards, at Oxford.

In his early youth, Agnellus was personally received into the Seraphic Order by St. Francis of Assisi, during the latter's sojourn in Pisa. After being sent to Parisby St.Francis, where he became Custos, Agnellus build a convent in the city. He then returned to Italy, was present at the Chapter of Mats, and thence was sent by St. Francis to establish the Franciscans in England. He and his party landed with nine other friars , who were graciously sent from France under the orders of the monks at Fecamp, Dover on September 10, 1224. It was not easy for these brave monks, the winter of 1224 was extremely harsh, and any food they ate had to be boiled to unfreeze. However, they did not let the conditions get their spirits down. The monks traveled on through the cold, always cheerful and believing they were filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Finally, months after the first cold winter, the monks found a place to shelter in. There arrival was honored by Pope Honorious III. When the monks arrived, the Archbishop of Canterbury was expecting them with open arms. Everywhere the monks went they were treated with respect and honor. Agnellus and his followers soon became known for their humble manner, extreme prudence, and desire for no material items but what was necessary to survive. Throughout his life, Agnellus would never allow expansion to the monks quarters, or to the university other than what was absolutely necessary. This was an example and a mannerism that continued on at Oxford long after Agnellus's death. Yet, despite his extreme frugality, Agnellus had a gentle way about him. It was this gentleness that made it possible for Agnellus to negotiate a truce with King Henry III.The English Franciscan Order secured a house there and subsequently played a large role in the establishment of the University of Oxford soon after. Catholic Online'.[1]

Agnellus established a school for the friars at Oxford , which helped in the development of the theology school at the university. He was a not himself a scholarly man, but understood the importance of learning and knowledge. Therefore, Agnellus had great influence in affairs of the state. King Henry III befriended the saint out of admiration for Agnellus's wholesome, pure, ambitious attitude towards life. This resulted in Agnellus becoming heavily involved in efforts to avoid a civil war between the King and the Earl Marshal, who had aligned himself for war with the Welsh. Shortly afterwards, Agnellus contracted a fatal illness, and the only account in existence is a brief one recorded by Thomas of Eccleston, a friar minor. Eccleston wrote that after Agnellus's death, his body was immaculate maintained and perfectly preserved. In honor of his great influence in the establishment of the university and his understanding of the importance of learning, Agnellus's body is held at Oxford in veneration.

His cult was confirmed by Leo XIII in 1882, and his feast day is kept on May 7 in Italy. The English Franciscan provinces celebrate his memory on 10 September.New Advent'.[2]

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